Library Resources
Academic Reserves
The Reserve collection consists of volumes from the general book collection reserved by faculty members in the library. These books are required readings. Professors may place personal copies and articles on reserve to ensure that students have sufficient reading materials for class. Also, some professors place course textbooks on reserve. The Library processes requests in compliance with U.S. Copyright Laws.
Bibliographic Services
The Andrew Carnegie Library offers bibliographic instruction in many subjects including the use of print and electronic resources. In collaboration with the library staff, faculty can make arrangements for classes to come to the library for specialized instruction. Individuals may request instruction as well. General workshops/seminars on various information literacy subjects are offered periodically.
Books and materials are circulated by the Andrew Carnegie Library. A Livingstone College ID card is required to check materials from the library. Faculty, staff, students, and Friends of the Library have a loan period of two weeks for most materials.
Internet Accessible Computer Lab
The Andrew Carnegie Library (ACL) maintains an internet accessible computer lab with twenty-nine computers for student use. Students may use the lab as needed for word processing, research, completing assignments, database searches, send and receive email, job hunting and much more. They also have printing privileges. Students may use computers anytime during the open hours of the library as often as needed. Before entering the lab, students scan their college ID at the entrance to the library.
Library Collection as of 4/11/2023
Physical Digital/Electronic
Books 45,102 E-Books 287,395
Media 923 Media 62,604
Serials 34 Serials 27,409
Databases 87
Totals 46,059 377,494